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Reviews for Aristopet Worming Syrup for Dog Supplies
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Aristopet Worming Syrup - Dog Supplies

Rating 5/5 (1) Reviews

Starting at Only $15.25

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Aristopet Worming Syrup for Puppies and Kittens

Aristopet Worming Syrup provides quick and effective worming treatment for puppies and kittens. This palatable syrup targets and eliminates roundworms, including Toxocara canis in puppies and Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati in kittens. This gentle yet powerful solution uses an active ingredient piperazine citrate that helps to keep your young pets healthy and worm-free.

Aristopet Worming Syrup

Aristopet Worming Syrup quickly and effectively eradicates roundworms in young pets using piperazone citrate. It eliminates Toxocara canis in puppies and Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati in kittens, providing a gentle and efficient worming solution.

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Worming syrup

Works well, and easy to give
