Vectra 3D for dogs is a clinically proven topical solution for dogs. This potent formula repels and kills parasites such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice, mites (excluding mange) and biting and sand flies. Vectra 3D also eliminates ticks that transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever and at the same time controls the development of all flea stages. It also eradicates fleas that can possibly cause flea allergy dermatitis and anemia. This non-greasy formula gives your dog protection for one whole month. Furthermore, it is a waterproof solution and does not lose its effectiveness even in water.
Vectra 3D is an advanced treatment solution that contains key ingredients such as Dinotefuran, Pyriproxyfen and Permethrin. All these ingredients combine together to fight off various vectors including fleas, ticks, mites, lice, mosquitoes and biting and sand flies. This fast-acting formula commences its reduction of flea feeding inside 5 minutes and manages to kills fleas within 6 hours. It is safe for all dogs and puppies above 8 weeks.
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