Medizole is a potent antibacterial treatment for controlling various infections like Trichomoniasis, Hexamitosis, and Giardia in pigeons and cage birds. The oral treatment is highly effective with no side effects. It fights against bacterial infections and protects birds from the harmful effects.
Medizole is a potent antibacterial treatment. It contains high grade of Ronidazole that is highly effective in treating bacterial infections. The clinically proven formulation is easy to dose as the powder is water-soluble. The oral treatment offers high safety measures during breeding season, when given as directed.
This breeding season went well, thanks to this wonderful product. No infections, safe and healthy.
Thank you, it is the best product for keeping our racing pigeons off from seasonal infections
Stays mixed properly, birds all drank it. Cured the infection.
best product no more complaints
Effective remedy for Giardia