Endogard is a palatable treatment to be administered on dogs for improvement in their health. These oral tablets help in getting rid of harmful gastrointestinal parasites. The tablets have larvicidal properties, which kills and controls various worms found in the dog’s body. This powerful remedy protects the dog from worm infections and enhances their health.
The Virbac product, Endogard is a potent all wormer which improves the well-being of the dog and puppies. It consists of the following active ingredients- Praziquantel and Oxibendazole. Praziquante;l is effective in treatment of tapeworms and controlling its re-infestations. On the other hand, oxibendazole efficiently treats the other gastrointestinal worms. Both of them kill all the adult worms and their immature stages ensuring full protection of the dog.
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