Advantage Multi, also known as Advocate is an easy-to-use topical formula for dogs that protects against a wide range of both external and internal parasites. This monthly spot-on solution is recommended for 7 weeks and older puppies and dogs that weigh at least 3 lbs.
Advantage Multi topical solution for dogs kills adult fleas and is recommended for the treatment of flea infestations. This monthly formula prevents heartworm disease and treats and controls sarcoptic mange. Advantage Multi (Advocate) for dogs also treats and controls intestinal worm infections caused by hookworms, roundworms and whipworms.
Advantage Multi (Advocate) for Dogs is made of a powerful combination of two active ingredients, imidacloprid and moxidectin. Imidacloprid kills fleas through contact hence no flea-biting is required and kills mange mites. Moxidectin helps prevent heartworm disease and treats and controls intestinal worm infections.
Advantage Multi Pack | Dog Weight | Volume | Imidacloprid | Moxidectin | Dose Per Month |
Small Dogs | 3.0 - 9.0 lbs | 0.4 ml | 40 mg | 10 mg | One |
Medium Dogs | 9.1 - 20.0 lbs | 1.0 ml | 100 mg | 25 mg | One |
Large Dogs | 20.1 - 55.0 lbs | 2.5 ml | 250 mg | 62.5 mg | One |
Extra Large Dogs | 55.1 - 88.0 lbs | 4.0 ml | 400 mg | 100 mg | One |
48 Reviews(s)
Yes, Advantage Multi Topical Solution for Dogs is safe for puppies and dogs from 7 weeks of age that weigh at least 3 lbs.
Generally, Advantage Multi for dogs is safe for puppies and dogs and causes minimum to no side effects at all. Rarely, some dogs may experience hair loss or mild irritation at the application site and vomiting, diarrhea or lethargy. If your dog experiences any other adverse reaction after administration, see a vet immediately.
Advantage for dogs contains imidacloprid and as a result, it kills fleas, flea larvae and lice. Advantage Multi (Advocate) for dogs contains imidacloprid and moxidectin and protects dogs against fleas, intestinal worms and heartworm disease.
Advantage Multi Flea & Worm Treatment for Dogs is known to begin killing fleas within four hours. For maximum efficacy, wait for several hours to get the application site dry completely and do not bathe your canines for 24 hours after application.
If your pet licks Advantage Multi before it is dry, the dog may experience excessive salivation for some time. If your dog experiences any other adverse reaction, consult a vet immediately.
Advantage Multi kills fleas on contact. As soon as fleas come in contact with the treated dog, they die. The formula kills fleas by causing hyperactivity in parasites. This may cause excessive itching. Sometimes dogs can be sensitive to the active ingredients used in the treatment which may lead to unusual scratching.
Advantage Multi kills fleas, treats flea infestations and prevents heartworm disease. It also treats and controls roundworm, hookworm and whipworm infections and sarcoptic mange. To protect dogs against these parasites throughout the year, Advantage Multi should be given once every month, all year round.
The safe use of Advantage Multi for dogs in pregnant, breeding and lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use this treatment with caution in such dogs.
Bathing or swimming four days after the treatment does not reduce the efficacy of Advantage Multi.
It is recommended to keep treated dogs separated from one another and other pets for the first 30 minutes after application to diminish the risk of accidental ingestion.
There are dedicated separate Advantage Multi formulations available for dogs and cats. For felines, you should use Advantage Multi for Cats. Dog doses must not be used on cats.
A single product to treat and control hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm infections, and prevent heartworm disease. Also effective against Dirofilaria immitis circulating microfilariae in heartworm-positive dogs.
A preventive that forgives if you forget to administer the monthly dosage. Treat immediately if you are a few days late and resume the monthly schedule.
A simple-to-use topical solution, applied to the dog’s skin once a month.
Fleas do not have to bite the dog to ingest the lethal dose and die. Advantage Multi kills fleas through contact.
Advantage Multi for dogs stays effective throughout the full one month. Moxidectin in this topical gets absorbed into the dog’s body and continues to kill worms all month long, thus protecting dogs from the deadly heartworm disease.
A powerful combination of imidacloprid & moxidectin, this one solution covers 5 parasites. Advantage Multi prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis, kills adult fleas, treats flea infestations, treats & controls sarcoptic mange, and treats & controls hookworm, roundworm & whipworm infections at multiple stages. It also treats Dirofilaria immitis circulating microfilariae in heartworm-positive dogs.
Advantage Multi is suitable for dogs & puppies aged 7 weeks and above, and weighing at least 3 lbs and is to be applied once every month following these simple steps:
Get one dose applicator tube out of the package. Hold the tube upright and remove the cap.
Turn the cap over, push its other end onto the tube tip and twist the cap to break the seal. Remove the cap from the tube.
Make your dog stand in a comfortable position and part the hair on their back between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible and place the tube tip on the skin. For dogs weighing 20 lbs or less, apply the entire content on the exposed skin at one spot between the shoulder blades.
For dogs weighing more than 20 lbs, apply the entire contents directly on the exposed skin at three or four spots on the top of the backline from the base of the neck to the upper back, in an area that is not accessible for licking.
Advantage Multi for Dogs is available in easily identifiable different-colored packs, to provide weight-appropriate treatment and protection to dogs.
Available in 3, 6, and 12 doses packs to provide 3-month, 6-month & 12-month supply respectively.
Advantage Multi for dogs contains imidacloprid as one of the active ingredients. After application, it spreads over the dog’s body and kills fleas through contact. Fleas do not have to bite the dog to die.
It is recommended to bathe and towel-dry the dog before applying Advantage Multi. Post-application:
However, frequent shampooing, like once weekly, may reduce the product’s effectiveness against fleas.
The safety of Advantage Multi has not been established in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on such dogs.
Administer one dosage immediately and resume the monthly schedule. For heartworm prevention, Advantage Multi forgives if you forget. It kills immature heartworms that may already be in the dog and continues to prevent future infection by killing newly acquired baby worms throughout the month.